New loan application for all types of loan, including vehicle details, insurance policy details, stock details for vehicle and stock mortgage loan. Linking of deposits with against deposit loan
Loan installments repayment including instant interest, overdues and penalty interest calculation. Also details of notice and other charges receivable
Loan index to search the loan account instantly including previous loan taken name wise.
Loan overdues report
Loan special instructions facility for all loans
Loan notice printing and notice dispatch list
Adding of new deposits account for all types of deposits like fixed deposit,double deposit,daily deposits including calculation of interest and maturity date
Deposit Receipt and Payment entries
Calculation of interest on withdrawal including commission recovered on premature daily deposits withdrawal. Easy and instant separation of interest payable and interest paid on premature withdrawal of term deposits
Calculation of interest provision during year ending
Deposit certificate printing
Automatic transfer of installment to loan account from deposit account
Deposits balance books
Commission calculation on agent collection of daily
Deposit index to know details of all deposits held by one person
Facility to add new account head
Calculation and printing of all cashbooks like loan cashbook, deposit cashbook, miscellaneous cashbook, and shares cash book and daybook [which is a summary of all receipts and payments under various account heads]
Income & expenses voucher entry facility
Journal entries including register and printing
General Ledger of all account heads
Contra entry for entry of cash deposited into bank
Trial Balance, Profit and loss Accounts & Balance Sheet
Monthly receipts and payments of all heads with journal entries (with adjustments)
Monthly receipts and payments with only cash and bank transactions (without adjustments)
Branch Progress Report
Loan Over dues calculation report including Agent wise, Loan disbursement date wise, installment due wise. Also loan recovery report with address of loanee & guarantors in one report
Loan Over dues summary report
Balance books of all types of loans and deposits
Cash book reports of all types
Agent Collection Vs Agent Deposit Report
Shares transfer register
Deposits Maturity Report
Other Features
Signature Scanning with zoom facility
Graphical user interface provides quick and easy accessibility to all options
Works on all major operating systems like Win7, Win8, Windows 10 Windows 11.
Appropriate Security level for all operations.
Detailed and accurate reports for all major accounting functions.